common skin growths, are a result of infection by the human papillomavirus
(HPV). They manifest as raised, rough growths on the skin, presenting
variations in size and shape. These contagious growths can spread through
direct skin-to-skin contact or by touching contaminated surfaces. While warts
can develop on various body parts, they often make their appearance on the
hands, fingers, or other areas, and while they can be bothersome, they are
generally benign.
specific type of wart is the verruca, which is commonly known as a plantar wart
when it appears on the soles of the feet. Plantar warts can be painful,
especially when subjected to pressure during walking.
exhibit a characteristic appearance with small black dots, often referred to as
"wart seeds," in the center, and are often surrounded by hardened
skin. Like warts, verrucas are also caused by HPV and are typically contracted
in moist environments such as public swimming pools or communal showers.
warts and verrucas can be treated with various medical and over-the-counter
methods when necessary. These treatments aim to eliminate the growths and
alleviate any discomfort. However, it's important to note that warts and
verruca’s may also resolve on their own over time, as the body's immune system
naturally fights off the HPV infection. In either case, timely attention and
proper care can help manage and ultimately eliminate these skin conditions.
- On arrival, you will be greeted by our receptionist and asked to complete a Medical History form
- You will then be welcomed by Dr Lanka and taken into a private room to discuss your enquiries, assess you and determine the best options suited to you
- You will be offered a cooling-off period to make your decision
- You will be given a consent form to complete and sign, then Dr Lanka will carry out the procedure on a mutually agreed date if you wish to go ahead with the procedure
- You will be sent an aftercare form which you should follow strictly for the best results
- We will book you in for a two week review, to check up on you and how you are healing and discuss any further treatment
Disclaimer: Please be aware that results and benefits may vary from patient to patient taking into consideration factors such as age, lifestyle and medical history.