FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) method means that the grafts are extracted from the back of the head one at a time, using a 0.7mm to 1mm diameter punch. The results of the FUE method are the same as with the strip method, with the differences being that it is less invasive and does not leave a linear scar at the back of the head, allowing you to keep the hair as short as you wish to in the future. The FUE process takes slightly longer than the FUT method, but on average it can take upto 6-12 hours depending on the number of grafts.
A pre-op consultation and blood tests are required prior to transplant and this technique also needs the back of the head to be shaved to a number 0.5 immediately prior to the surgery.
The new hair starts to grow around 3 to 4 months post-transplant, and it can take up to 10 – 12 months to reach the full result. We organise to see you for a follow up after 6 months for a check-up and after 10 months for further review.
During a FUE transplant, a qualified and experienced doctor extracts hair follicles from the donor area, most often the back of the neck. This is performed by puncturing the scalp using a micro-surgical extracting instrument between 0.6-1.0mm in diameter. Follicles are then transferred to the hair technician who separates the follicle and prepares them for re-insertion. The hair follicle are then implanted into recipient area on your scalp in groups of one to four hairs, like natural hair growth. This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure; you will remain fully conscious at all times and only local anesthetic is required.
An FUE hair transplant can be undergone in either one long session, or several smaller sessions, depending on the size of the area and how many grafts are needed. A smaller procedure, where only around 200 grafts are needed, can be completed in a couple of hours. However, a larger procedure of around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts will require a session that stretches over two days.
As individual follicles are removed, it only leaves small, puncture scars which can be easily hidden with a short hair style. There is hardly any post-surgical pain and discomfort with the average recovery time being less than 7 days.
Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment, it will grow back strong and healthy.
Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts and flaps are taken. Other factors, such as hair colour, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the cosmetic result. Discuss with your surgeon beforehand. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.
FUE treatments are not generally covered by insurance when used for cosmetic purposes. Check with your insurance carrier for coverage details.
- On arrival, you will be greeted by our receptionist and asked to complete a Medical History form
- You will then be welcomed by Dr Lanka and taken into a private room to discuss your enquiries, assess you and determine the best options suited to you
- You will be offered a cooling-off period to make your decision
- You will be given a consent form to complete and sign, and necessary blood tests arranged
- Dr R Lanka along with his team will carry out the procedure on a mutually agreed date if you wish to go ahead with the procedure
- You will be sent an aftercare form which you should follow strictly for the best results
- We will book you in for a two week review, to check up on you and how you are healing and discuss any further treatment
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Disclaimer: Please be aware that results and benefits may vary from patient to patient taking into consideration factors such as age, lifestyle and medical history.