Acne is an extremely common skin condition, causing oily skin, spots and blemishes, affecting the face, neck, back and chest. Often, sufferers will have excessive amount of spots, whether they are blackheads, whiteheads, papules, nodules or cysts. Acne can be very painful and result in serious acne scars. The problem is embarrassing for many people, and can cause anxiety, depression and a low self-esteem.
Acne is often linked to hormonal imbalances and changes, but can be genetic. At Skin Sense GP Clinic we have a variety of methods to reduce and treat signs of acne, such as:
- Chemical Peels
- Skin Needling
- Vampire Facials
- Mesotherapy
- Creams and
- Prescription Medicine
- We also supply prescription based Obagi Medical products to help with Acne.
For reasons unknown, follicles of the skin overproduce cells sometimes resulting in them becoming blocked. Each follicle contains a hair and an oil gland which produces sebum (oil). Dirt and bacteria start to build up resulting in plugs or comedones.
- If the comedone is black, it is known as a blackhead.
- If it is white, it is known as a whitehead.
- Inflammatory acne can occur if a break occurs in the wall of the follicle.
- Pimples, papules and cysts can be formed. This can occur spontaneously or by picking or touching the skin