Here at Skin Sense GP Clinic, we offer the service of Phlebotomy. Our Doctors are fully trained to perform blood extractions with minimal discomfort, and your results will be returned within a few days. We offer Blood Tests for:
Full Blood Screening
- Haematology, Biochemistry, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Blood Glucose, Cholesterol (Lipids), Thyroid Function & F.S.H (Follicle Stimulating Hormone/Sex Function)
Glucose/Sugar Levels
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin / HBA1C
Vitamin D Screening
- Indicator of deficiency
B12 Screening
- Indicator of deficiency
Female & Menopausal Screening
Full STI Screening
Cancer Tumor Markers for Pancreatic, Gastric, Breast, Bowel & Ovarian Cancers
- Accurate Test For Early Detection of Lung Cancer
- Bacteria In The Stomach Which Causes Acidity & Dyspepsia
PSA’s (Prostate Specific Antigen)
- Prostate Cancer Marker For Men