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Radio Frequency
Have you managed to shed those last few pounds but still have those one or two stubborn pockets of fat in hard to reach areas with some loose skin from your weight loss journey? So many people are facing similar dilemmas just like these above, with skin losing elasticity day by day.
These can be caused by a variety of factors such as
- Sudden weight loss/gain
- Genetics
- Ageing
- Pregnancy
- And the biggest, over exposure to the sun
Taking into consideration all of these factors, sun exposure is what accelerates the destruction of collagen and elastin. This then accelerates the ageing process, leaving us not only look
ing a few years older than we should be, but our skin feeling a lot looser and thinner than we would like.
Once we have this breakdown in collagen and elastin our skin tends to feel different, and the appearance is very crepey and papery like.
So what can we do to help improve the appearance of our skin and shed some of that extra weight?
This is where a new and AMAZING technology comes into play called RADIO FREQUENCY and we are so excited to share this with you at Skin Sense GP Clinic in Chelmsford.
What is Radio Frequency?
Radio frequency uses energy waves to selectively heat the layers of your skin which causes your collagen fibres to contract, in addition to this, new collagen assembles, and this allows your skin to appear tighter and firmer.
During a radio frequency treatment, the skin is heated up between 41-42 degrees, fat cells cannot withstand heat higher than 40 degrees, and this causes the release of liquid from the fat cells causing them to melt. In an easier term, if you place butter into a hot pan and it melts, this is technically what we are doing to your fat cells in this treatment.
This is also what makes the treatment extremely beneficial for cellulite as it can reduce or nearly eliminate the appearance.
Where on the body can this be used?
- Stomach
- Arms
- Legs
- Thigh Gap
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Face
How many treatments are needed?
We recommended a minimum of 6-8 sessions, once a week.
Your skin tightening, fat melting and cellulite busting treatment is just a CALL away! Here at Skin Sense GP Clinic in Chelmsford we pride ourselves in being with you every step of the way throughout your skin journey, whether you are looking for an anti-ageing treatment, a weight loss approach or to help bounce back after having your little one, we have the treatment, the expertise and the right support for YOU and we look forward to setting out on this journey together!
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